A Trusted and Proven Conservative.
Michele Morrow is the only candidate in the race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction with a proven record of winning the fight for conservatism.

Michele's Three-Point Plan For A Brighter ToMorrow.

Thanks to state and federal policies, North Carolina schools prioritize teaching children racially divisive and sexually explicit content instead of reading and math.
Our current system rewards individuals who embrace these ideologies, instead of encouraging healthy competition, academic excellence, and personal responsibility.
We are depriving our students of their constitutional right to a sound, basic education.
Just 35% of our 4th graders are reading on grade level.
One out of four 8th graders in NC are proficient in math.
26% of 8th graders are proficient in reading.
Michele will end DEI and critical race theory teacher training on Day One! Teachers will be trained on evidence-based pedagogies for teaching math, science, and reading.
Michele will strengthen learning partnerships with community colleges and businesses in each district to provide associate-level classes and internships in every high school.

Fear of violence and fear of harassment is robbing too many children of their right to receive a sound basic education. Teachers cannot teach and students cannot learn amid discord and distraction.
There are no consequences for swearing at, defying, or ignoring instructors. It is not uncommon for students to physically assault teachers, bus drivers, or their peers with impunity. School staff and students should never be fearful in our schools and disorder cannot be tolerated.
Michele's priority is to make schools the safest buildings in the state.
Michele will prioritize spending on student resource officers, video surveillance, and weapons detection systems in every school based on the 2021 safety audits.
Michele will advocate for criminal background checks for all school staff.
As Superintendent, Michele will hold public town halls with parents, teachers, bus drivers, principals, religious leaders, law enforcement, and juvenile justice experts. This will uncover the most effective policies for our districts.
As Superintendent, Michele and her team will deploy a common-sense discipline and safety plan.

Michele knows that North Carolina's public education system must be fueled by a fiscally conservative, free-market, and competitive environment.
North Carolina's education system needs sound fiscal policies and practices to deliver academic results and support teachers and school staff. Michele will work with financial experts and legislators to streamline our spending to focus on teacher recruitment and training, student resources, and infrastructure.
Recent audits of North Carolina's Department of Public Instruction have revealed:
$230 million in COVID funds were unaccounted for
A staffer sent $167 thousand to email scammers
NC DPI missed the federal reporting deadline for $732 million
$8.2 million grant disbursements were misreported to the feds
On day one, Michele will bring in an outside forensic accounting firm to track down every dime of missing classroom money. Taxpayers' money will go to underfunded schools that desperately need resources and support and to the staff who work directly with our students day in and day out.
Michele will identify, decrease, or terminate wasteful programs at the state level, and end contracts with organizations that cannot demonstrate a direct, consistent, positive impact on student success and staff retention.
We will partner with local farmers, grocery stores, and non-profits to serve our school communities to lower costs, support local businesses, and enhance unity within our districts.
Michele's Endorsements